When Your Imagined Life is Nothing Like This One
There were so many ways I imagined my adult life would be.... THIS is not one of them. I posted that on my Facebook wall last night. It might have been seen as funny except my choice of hashtags gave me away: treading water getting nowhere piles of disappointment not many successes worn out and exhausted out of options I always imagined my life would be thrilling. Full of exciting adventures and people from all over the world. I would dine at Ethiopian, Thai, and Indian restaurants. I would write books, teach English, coach forensics and direct the play. My husband would be charming and funny and not care about gender roles when it came to household chores. He would beg for at least six kids and I would fall in love with him all over again each time I caught him giving good life advice. I would take photographs and travel the world documenting the people I came across. I would adopt a sibling group of three or maybe four and work on foster...