The Pain of Giving Life

I was young, maybe 7, maybe 10, when I saw my grandfather jump over a fence and rush to a cow that was lying on her side, bellering out in pain. The cow had been in labor for a while but now something was wrong. I stood tiptoe on the bottom rung of the gate, studying intently the wild eyes of the mama cow, like she was pleading with me to help her - but I was just a kid. I didn't know what to do. The truth was, there was nothing I could do . I watched as grandpa took baler twine and tied it around two small hooves sticking out of the mother. I watched as my grandfather kicked the mama cow. Kicked her hard. And he kept kicking as she struggled to her knees, hollering in pain as she reluctantly made her way standing. I watched as my grandfather started pulling on that twine. Pulling hard. Pulling hard on little legs sticking out - "NO! STOP!" I screamed. "YOU'RE HURTING HER!" I became so angry at my grandfather. Hating him for what he was doing - y...