Lessons in Extreme Couponing Failure

Hey. Wanna know what this is? This is a nice note left on my computer. My work computer. The one that's not my personal computer. The one that I shouldn't be messing around on. Want to know who it's from? The guy in the IT Department. Want to know what he's all done with? Getting rid of the child porn viruses that I got from trying to find a freaking Skippy Peanut Butter coupon. Let me explain: No, I didn't google child porn. That's sick. Besides, if I'm going to look up porn it's going to be fat people porn because that way I can watch and feel good about my body. But like I said, I didn't google child porn. I googled 'skippy peanut butter coupon'. Pretty dang clear if you ask me. See, normally I don't bother with coupons but lately there's been all these extreme couponing shows on TV. You know, the ones where some lady gets $2,000 worth of groceries of $6.78. Not that I personally need 87 bottles of hot sauce and 32...