AVERYday: Heaven is for Real - Part 22

It's the phone. The one I was so blessed was forgotten and left at home on Wednesday, October 24, 2012. Avery's phone. I am so grateful to have the 87 photos of our cat and the 20 pictures of landscapes and her friends and the singular photo of us together, smiling direct into the camera. I watch her videos. There are only a few. In one she introduces the viewer to her brand new trombone. ( She only had a few lessons .) In another she proudly shows off her volleyball uniform. ( She was so excited to play! ) In another she watches Brody play the piano, encouraging him to sing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star along the plucked out tune. ( He had just turned three; it was totally unrecognizable .) In two of the videos she's singing Christian songs I have never heard before. The screen is black, as if covered by her hand, or turned face down on a table, as if to stress to the viewer that it was the words that were most important, not the face of the person singing i...