When Break Up Behavior Isn't Normal

I once met a young man and we got to talking. He made me laugh. We exchanged phone numbers and started getting to know each other. We were out to lunch when I realized this wasn't someone I was interested in moving forward in a relationship with. He had stated his goals and what he wanted out of life, as did I. What we wanted was too different. It was as simple as that. I thanked him for lunch, he wished me well. I tried to end a different relationship when it was obvious that one wasn't working. He got angry. Felt disrespected. Called me selfish. Called me a lot of other names, too. It was about as opposite a reaction I ever could have imagined. He stood across the street from my house on the sidewalk. Just staring. I closed the curtains. I called the police. What is he doing? Standing there. Is he threatening you? No, he's just standing there staring at my house. Is he yelling? No. He is standing across the street. On the sidewalk. Staring at my house. Where...