If someone could possibly make a nativity out of buttons this would all make sense.

Last night was Dotter's school Christmas Program. (It's okay; she goes to a parochial school so we actually get to say the word "Christmas.") Anyway, Big V spent a good portion of the program pointing the giraffes out to the toddler. And I spent a good amount of time giving him the sideways eyeball. Dude. They're not giraffes. What? Quit saying they're giraffes. Why? Because they're camels. Well, they look like giraffes. No they don't. Those are plain; giraffes have spots. Giraffes don't have spots... they have blobs and blotches. Whatever. Just stop saying they're giraffes. They're camels. I don't know what that bothers you. Because giraffes weren't present at the birth of the Lord our Savior. Do you have proof? And then I just glared at him until the toddler drove us both nuts and he had to take him out for the rest of the program at which time I was able to update my Facebook status to something snark...