The Red Cup of Starbucks and Why as a Christian I'm Okay With It

Spoken words are just as powerful as printed ones. Sometimes even more so. The American Christian world, it seems, is losing its marbles over the redesigned Starbucks cups. Just in time for the holiday season, the company has intentionally decided to eliminated the words Merry Christmas from its new design. There are articles splashed across the interwebs of how this redesign is emblematic of the Christian culture cleansing of the west. There's been talk of boycotts. Of protests. Of a revolt! You know what I think about this red cup redesign? Good. Now, before you draft that hate letter to me, let me publicly declare that I am a Christian and I believe God sent His only son, Jesus Christ, to die for my sins. I also believe that maybe this red cup shake-up is getting under our skin as Christians because there's a truth there we don't really want to admit to ourselves. Because maybe we need the reminder to say it intentionally out loud more often, instead o...