When the Tide Turns
It just feels right. God, in His infinite wisdom (because who am I to doubt), has decided to inundate me with writing opportunities. And for this, I am incredibly grateful. I will be able to write from home. Or from the local coffee house. Or from a diner located off US Route 1 in Waldoboro, Maine. ( Hello, Moody's! ) I will have to attend weekly staff meetings. Virtually . Which means I can totally wear jeans. Or nothing at all (as long as I have the web cam aimed properly). I will get paid to pluck away at the computer. Learn things. Research. Share. Collaborate. Write. I will be able to work late into the night or early in the morning or at any point in between when I deem to be the most productive to my employer. I will be able to volunteer at the school. Throw in a load of laundry. Meet a friend for breakfast. Work on growing AVERYday Ministries . And already, you guys? I have met the coolest, neatest, smartest people. People who smile . People who want ...