Teenagers: You never know when they're going to blindside you.

Here is a text message I received from the Bean today.

If you are a guy & ur at a party & someone takes a tampon & soaks it in alcohol & shoves it up ur... u know.. Can u die?

I am currently accepting donations to be used towards a nice, long quiet vacation without children. Or the co-pay needed for the mental institution.


Eric Johnson said…
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha - you win. Any contest there is, you win. It doesn't even matter if it's cow-chip throwing, you win.
Brenna said…
I hate a cliffhanger.
Getrealmommy said…
wait. this is real? holy hell girl. You gotta give us more.
Becca said…
OMG that is awesome.
Tina, said…
Was The Bean at a party and asking for a specific reason? Were medics called?