The Resolutions that Matter
I have a love/hate relationship with New Year's. On the one hand, getting sloshed and insluting your wife or driving drunk and wrapping your car around a tree just doesn't seem like the right way to celebrate anything in life. I also have a hard time with the comments that stem along the line of we made it through this year! because what about the ones that didn't make it through the year? In my admittedly oversensitive heart you just called a bunch of my loved ones failures and they are nothing of the sort. They simply didn't have the choice to finish off the calendar year here on earth. And that hurts. Thanks for the reminder. But on the other hand, I love a makeover. There is something incredibly empowering about washing over the old color of a wall with a new one, symbolizing a new start, a fresh start, a chance to finally get it right. Resolution suggestions abound the interwebs: lose 10 pounds, stop smoking, drink more water, save $10,000 and finally take that ...